Feel free to reach out to us

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Our Headquarters

Galenica AB
Visiting address: Per Albin Hanssons väg 41, Malmö, Sweden
Post address: Medeon Science Park,                                205 12 Malmö, Sweden
Phone +46 (0)40 32 10 95

If you have any queries regarding a Galenica product or licensing opportunities, please send an email to: info@galenica.se

Product information

You will find product information on this page.

If you need to report any side effects (adverse drug reactions, adverse events), please send an email to: reklamationer@galenica.se

For Iceland: Ef þú þarft að tilkynna einhverja aukaverkun (aukaverkun lyfs, meintilvik) vinsamlega sendu póst til: safety@vistor.is

Whistleblowing function

Employees and external stakeholders can report suspected misconduct securely and confidentially through Galenica’s Whistleblowing function.

What suspicions should be reported to Galenica’s Whistleblowing function? This could include violations of laws, EU directives, or internal rules and guidelines.

What should not be reported to Galenica’s Whistleblowing function? If you suspect misconduct, we encourage you to report it. However, the reporting system should not be used for making false allegations or spreading unfounded rumors.

Please use the following link (text and page will be in Swedish):